Manual for Multi-Site View
This section serves as a comprehensive guide to navigate and utilize the Multi-Site View functionality. Whether you're monitoring live views, analyzing crime prevention data, or tracking site activities, this guide ensures you make the most of these features for an enhanced user experience.
Accessing Multi-Site View
- To access the Multi-Site View:
- Log in to the Customer Portal.
- Click on the "Multi-Site View" button.
Multi-Site View Page
Upon clicking, you will land on the Multi-Site View page, featuring:
- Live Views: Displays live feeds from all cameras across accessed sites.
- Crime Prevention: Provides lifelong data from 01/01/2022 till present, organized by occurrences.
- Site Activity: Monitors and tracks activities across all sites.
- My Sites: Option to return to the Site Listing page.
Live Views
- All sites are pre-selected, offering customization options.
- Site and Camera names are displayed for clarity.
- Customize the view by selecting specific sites.
Crime Prevention Page
- Displays data in descending order of occurrences.
- Hover over the Description for a detailed view.
- Outcome column includes Arrest, Deterred, and Intervention metrics.
- Default view shows data for all three metrics; use the dropdown to filter for specific views.
This Crime Prevention page can also be accessed from the Crime Prevention Table on the Site Listing Page.
Crime Prevention Table
- Displays lifetime count of Arrests, Intervention and Deterred metrics.
- Clicking on the count of each metric will land on the Crime Prevention page with the same filter.
- Outcome column will then have only the selected metrics.
- This can be customized from the filter dropdown.
Site Activity Page
- Monitor and track activities across all sites effortlessly.
- Default view displays 15 days of data, offering a comprehensive overview.
- Customers have the flexibility to change dates based on their preferences.
- While date ranges can be customized, the default range remains fixed.
- Click on a video to unveil the event lifecycle through the intuitive Event Scrolling feature.
My Sites Menu Option
Clicking on "My Sites" takes you back to the Site Listing page.